Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK EAD) is a single-owner joint-stock company. Its registered address is in the city of Sofia. Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD is the holder of the capital of NEK EAD. The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) was established on 18 September 2008 by means of a Resolution adopted by the Minister of Economy and Energy, after renaming the Bulgargaz Holding EAD.
BEH EAD is a 100% state-owned joint-stock company. It includes mines Maritsa – iztok, Maritsa – iztok 2 Thermal Power Plant EAD, Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant EAD, NEK EAD, ESO EAD, Bulgargaz EAD, Bulgartransgaz EAD and Bulgartel EAD. Companies incorporated into the holding structure retain their autonomy and licences, all belonging to and directly subordinated to the corporate centre BEH EAD.
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