We operate in a transparent and correct manner! In the KMC JSC, all processes have clear rules, deadlines and supervisors. We know that principles that lie at the basis of trust in business are the fair and transparent relationship.
“Ромпетрол България” ЕАД е представена в България от 2002 г. и е дъщерно дружество на групата „KMG Интернешънъл“. Компанията има активна мрежа от 55 бензиностанции в цялата страна и предлага на клиентите си в България качествени горива по европейски стандарти, произведени в рафинерия „Петромидия“.
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Ние сме натоварени с отговорната задача за защита на човешкото здраве и околната среда, като управляваме безопасно радиоактивните отпадъци, генерирани от АЕЦ и от ядрените приложения в медицината, промишлеността, науката и образованието.
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Siemens AG е германска компания със седалища в Берлин и Мюнхен, Германия, индустриален конгломерат, най-голямата производствена компания в Европа и една от най-големите в света в областта на електротехниката и електрониката.
Лидер в дистрибуцията на български горива, полимери и нефтохимикали с европейско качество. В своите над 220 бензиностанции, веригата “ЛУКОЙЛ” предлага висококачествени продукти, отлично обслужване и комфорт.
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“Булгартрансгаз” ЕАД е комбиниран газов оператор, извършващ дейности по пренос и съхранение на природен газ. Дружеството следва политика на прозрачно и отговорно поведение и работи за гарантиране на условия на сигурност и устойчиво развитие на пазара на природен газ в страната и региона при спазване на принципите на равнопоставеност и прозрачност.
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Нашите водещи енергийни и цифрови технологии, усъвършенствани системи за автоматизация и отворени цифрови платформи трансформират бизнеса на нашите клиенти и осигуряват значителна оперативна и бизнес добавена стойност.
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The Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant is the only nuclear power plant in Bulgaria and the largest producer of electricity nationwide, providing more than a third of the national annual electricity production. This determines the particular importance of the undertaking as a factor of economic stability in a regional and national context.
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Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK EAD) is a single-owner joint-stock company. Its registered address is in the city of Sofia. Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD is the holder of the capital of NEK EAD. The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) was established on 18 September 2008 by means of a Resolution adopted by the Minister of Economy and Energy, after renaming the Bulgargaz Holding EAD.
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Electricity System Operator EAD is a sole joint stock company since 2007 with a license for a period of 35 years, issued pursuant to a Resolution No R-052 dated 28 December 2006 by the Water and Energy Regulatory Commission (WERC).
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Toplofikatsia Sofia EAD is Bulgaria’s oldest district heating system. Toplofikatsia Sofia EAD is the largest company in the country and the Balkan Peninsula, in terms of the criteria related to production volume and the scope of services provided.
Mondi Stambolijski EAD is a Bulgarian company, part of Mondi Group, the world’s largest producer of kraft paper and paper bags. It is located in the town of Stambolijski. The Bulgarian pulp and paper factory Mondi Stambolijski EAD, with former name Stambolijski Paper Factory [Fabrica za hartia], was originally established in 1952.
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Maritsa East 3 is a 908 MW lignite fired power plant located near Mednikarovo, Stara Zagora district. The power plant uses indigenous lignite coal from the Maritsa East Mines and is an important contributing factor for the security of supply and energy independence of Bulgaria.
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Aurubis produces high-purity, high-quality copper from copper concentrates and recycling materials and processes it into intermediate products. Copper scrap and a variety of other recycling materials are reintroduced to the economic cycle this way.
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Varna Thermal Power Plant is the second largest thermal power plant in Bulgaria and the Balkan peninsula. Located on the north shore of the Lake Varna connected with Black Sea and 12 km away from Varna.
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The 600 MW net TPP AES Galabovo, located in close proximity to town of Galabovo in South Bulgaria, is a thermal power plant producing electricity entirely from local lignites originating from the Maritza East Basin.
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TPP Maritsa East 2 EAD is the largest innovated thermal power plant in Bulgaria. It is one of the three thermal power plants in “Maritsa East” Complex, which is located in the South-East part of the country.
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